Michelangelo and the Sistine Chapel


This section contains an assortment of YouTube videos that can be viewed for a further demonstration of the Sistine Chapel.

This particular video talks about the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel and displays an interesting intepretation of Michelangelo's work when he was first asked to decorate the Sistine Chapel. His painting here demonstrates a more optimistic, expressionistic and elegant representation of the human form.

In the following video, the subject is the Last Judgement from the Book of Revelation. It describes how the fresco paintings on the atlar wall are painted after two decades by Michelangelo and how these paintings reflecet a more pessimistic view of life, as adopted by him after two decades. The altar wall depicts a highly controversial masterpiece.

In this clip, Carmen Bambach from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, analyzes a piece of rough sketch by Michelangelo of one of Sybils on the ceiling wall. Bambach highlights the preparation that Michelangelo undertook before his paintings and demonstrates his precision and planning through tentative sketches.